Hello readers
Today it’s time to vote on one of the many stories written by our colleagues. We give our vote to the story with the picture of the three missing girls after a Disney Party written by Laia and Alba. The photo they use helps us to put ourselves in context and to have a clear idea of the ages of the girls.
We had a good time reading and thinking about how we would act if something similar ever happened to us, taking in account that this time it is a fictional story, but unfortunately in real life, there are still some kidnappings. It is also a good moment to publicly denounce that violence is never an option.
Secondly, this story makes us think about how lucky we are to have people who love us and that if something happens to us, they know about it and are there for us. The importance of taking care of those we have next to us and try to be as kind as possible, since we never know what everyone has at home.
And finally that the story is set in a city like Vic, where we study and spend most of our mornings. It always makes you happy that your city appears in stories, news, or reports, as long as it is to highlight positive things.
Small recommendation:
If you like mystery novels we recommend: “Quan la neu es fon” by the catalan writer Laia Vilaseca. This novel also centers on the disappearance of a girl in Yosemite National Park.
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