
Welcome to our blog; I introduce myself so that you have an idea of who I am and what curiosities I have. I'm Anna Martí, 18 years old and live in Vic, a small town in the region of Osona. I live with my parents, my sister, and my rabbit Willie. About my studies, I'm currently studying journalism at the University of Vic.

Some curiosities about me:

I spend much of my free time listening to music, painting or reading. I also like to be informed, to have an idea of what's going on in the world, and discuss it with my family. Now, thanks to the networks, we can be informed up to the minute; for example, I am following a case that happened in my mother's hometown (Sabadell). I guess that's why I am following the news that is coming out these days about the case. Here

I would like to make an observation and say that it is one thing to report an event that has occurred and another to generate a spectacle with it. For example, another of the news I have been following this week has been the death of the Queen of England and the accession to power of her son.

I'm Ester Puigdellívol and I'm the other girl that are writting this blog. I'm 21 and I live in small town called Casserres,in the region of Berguedà. Few people know Casserres, because there are only 1800 inhabitants. I live in a house with my parents and my brother. Me and my brother have two little dogs and they called Whisky and Jack. The dogs look like sausages, because are teckel breed.

Some couriosities about me:

I'm a very sportist girl. Now, I'm in a futbol team in Puig-Reig, we training two days a week and on the weekend we have a match. Also, I go to the gym three times at week if I have time. Last year, I tried Crossfit, I practiced this sport during a year and then I change Crossfit to gym.

Now, I'm working doing school or high-school revision. I'm working on the afternoons. I like help children with his homework and his exams. Also, I worked in some restaurans and bars doing waiter tasks.

Some of my hobbies are listening music, reading, and go to parties with my friends. My favorite hobby is watch the Formula 1, on TV or in Montmeló circuit when is week race here. Also, I watch all of series and documentarys about Formula 1.
